Friday, June 6, 2008

A Connecticut Farewell

Well, after two crazy days in East Haddam and Hartford I am off to Boston.
Summing Up:
East Haddam= most boring town in the country, being stuck in traffic for three hours due to a bridge construction, Goodspeed Musicals (only bright spot), Happy Days: The Musical, sleeping in my car inside of a barn (i'm pretty sure someone put garbage in the back of my car), and trying to steal internet (nope- didn't happen)

Hartford (the rich man's Wilmington)= A rocking production of The Milktrain Doesn't Stop Here Anymore at Hartford Stage Company, a sweet BBQ Joint- Sally's, a carousel ride, homeless people, a beautiful city with a wonderful park, Church and High Streets, staying at a seedy Motel 6 and locking my key in the room multiple times. much has happened next up Boston, here I go.

Durktown, USA

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